Guided Hands

May you be fueled with the Light of Self-Love.

And As Love Harmonizes your being, 

Let Life Be as It is meant to Be  
~  Free . . . as Love Is 

Welcome ~

Guided Hands is our Founding Site.  This Landing Page has been reformatted to Guide you to our Newest Sister-Site 13MMM13.

Guided Hands~13MMM13 is a Spiritual Educational Energy Experience to Assist, Align and Activate the Authentic Self ~ as well as a Gateway to Help Others Help themselves, while providing the necessary Energetic Tools for one to refine, create and assimilate, optimum peace and balance in their lives. 

We are Students, Teachers and Mastery-Teachers of Earth School, and are committed to Re-Discovering and Re-Awakening the Soul’s Purpose to a higher level of Spiritual Consciousness, Self-Awareness, Self-Mastery and the Integration of Oneness.        

It is time to find our Inner-Truths, Spiritual Gifts and Discern the Abilities of our I Am Presence.   

Please take time to Scroll the Pages here within, and/or Visit our Sister-Site

In Loving Guidance, Mary Martin
